Petey turns 9!

We believe in shirts and how they aren’t just shirts. They are these personal, wearable time capsules of memories and feelings and all the things. But what is something that holds even more? Like literally holds more stuff. Say… beginnings? For us, the obvious answer is a garage


Nine years ago Printed Threads was started in a  garage, much like Google, or Apple, or Microsoft. What do we have in common with those companies besides humble beginnings in the same setting? We wanted to be knowledgeable. We wanted to have aesthetic. We wanted to have… Windows… of opportunity. Little did we know, that launch pad put us on a trajectory to help people, influence our industry in new ways and become more involved with the city that we know so well. Although Brett has changed residence several times since then (including an RV that traveled across America for 18 months), we often reflect on our first set up. We have had the opportunity to salute it in person when by chance a vendor shipped 17 boxes to that address by mistake, but we don’t ever go back to physically reminisce because that would be weird. Less about the garage and more about what we’ve learned over 9 years of generous growth; don’t just do what you do. Do more with what you do. Craft a quality product that lets you talk to people and ask questions that make them ask questions that may change things for the better. Build a story out of that. Find different ways to share that story. We are so grateful for the people we’ve met along the way, those who have supported us, and those who have included us in bigger things. Let the squeegee you hold in your hands be the key to bigger dreams. Push (or pull) them into the fibers of your story. Make it all something to reflect on, like that shirt you can’t get rid of after all these years. Here’s to Nine years!!